Selamat tinggal, eh?
One of the first things I did when reached Malaysia was to look for Off the Edge on the magazine stand in the local bookstores. It was almost a ritual - after all, I've been following this magazine since its inception in 2005 if I remember it correctly, and I had not missed a single edition except for the period when I was out of the country.
So imagine my fear & puzzlement when I couldn't find a single copy of the latest edition after visits to countless stores. I thought, they couldn't have ceased publication could they? I'm sure there are many fans out there, myself included so there's no ground for them to do that. Except they did, as confirmed by a post on their Facebook page which I found a few days later.
I'm lost for words, how could they do this to me? I demand an explanation. Some people I've talked to gave a simple theory - they simply did not have enough readership to remain afloat. How could this be? But what a sad outcome for this esteemed magazine if it's true. Sad because it's such a good magazine. Sad because haven't Mangga, URTV and its like been around for years, if not decades with no signs of slowing down? Sad because... well I thought I'd touch on mentality but I will stop short of jumping into a conclusion right here, though I'm sure you can make the link.
I too was stunned to learn about OTE. Amir Muhammad told me the magazines weren"t selling well, perhaps due to its elitist image. OTE is by far and wide, the best magazine this country ever had. It's sad to see it shelved. It's sadder to think that most Malaysians are not ready to consume its content.
PS: You're back right? Give me a call we go lepak some day. 012 627 3775.
Are you kidding? I really am looking forward to buying one once I get back nanti.
Last time I had one was early this year - the one featuring the like of Nik Nazmi, Wan Md Firdaus etc. It's been my favourite since, if memory serves me right, 2007. In fact, made a point to subscribe it. (was under the impression that the magazine is selling well that they would want to set sail to overseas readership!)
Well, never once did the country have such an intellectually-stimulating magazine of its kind. It's so different from the others - even I would've preferred OTE over TIME! provoke my thoughts it does, to say the least.
This is definitely a news to mourn over. I even subscribed OTE mid last year only to receive an e-mail a couple of months later informing that it was on its deathbed.
I agree with you Rozairee. Definitely preferred it over TIME. Its probably the only worth reading local magazine that not only feeds the mind but also intrigues it. A rare creation amongst the stream of publications that simply shove information down people's esophagus without teaching them to form their own opinion.
Funny how intellectual mags (remember MASSA?) have short lifespan in Malaysia.
totally agree with myra especially on the lifespan part
nice blog! keep it up.
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