Sunday, March 01, 2009

God Give Him Strength

My father just got hospitalized a couple of nights back, only 24 hours after I got back in Sydney. He had been complaining about having a chest pain to my mom since the past few months after doing seemingly simple household routines, going up and down the stairs for instance. On Thursday night, he passed out while performing the Maghrib prayer at the nearby surau, causing horror to the fellow jemaah who were there. He got sent to Selangor Medical Centre in Shah Alam immediately by mom, before being transferred to IJN because the former is not a panel for his health insurance.

The last time I checked, he was already moved to Day Care Unit at IJN, though that is still under CCU, so I was told. This Monday they are going to have a medical procedure called angiogram conducted to check for clogged heart arteries. My mom had constantly tried to assure me not to worry, but how could I not when father is lying on a hospital bed and I am thousands of miles away? Luckily my eldest sister, the only other member of the family who is away had decided to skip class and come back all the way from Kuantan; I hope that can provide some comfort to my father, seeing the kids around. In the meantime all I can do is keep my fingers crossed and pray that nothing bad will ever happen to him, that his health will improve. If you guys can recite a bit of prayers for him, too, I would really appreciate that.


amerhadiazmi said...

Hang in there bro. Doa banyak-banyak.

Hariry Ariffin said...

Semoga dia cepat recover.

rzr droto said...

semoga beliau cepat sembuh
my prayers with him

caliphkaai said...

semua persoalan ada erti.

Anonymous said...

i hope he's fine soon..
i had a patient with two clogged coronary arteries and an angioplasty was done twice on him inserted from his brachial artery. it's a good surgery to remove any clogged artery in the heart.
now he's fine but should not strain from doing hard work..

Ezlan mohsen said...

Dude, be strong.

Be strong for your dad, and for yourself too.

The Super Duper Haziq said...

Insya Allah ur dad will be fine.
will pray for him.. Be strong bro.

ridhwan noordin said...

may he receive good treatment from the healthcare and his health improve

Anonymous said...
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Izham Ismail said...

i pray for speedy recovery. amin.

JustJun said...

Hi amirul,

I just stumbled upon your blog, and I hope your father is doing well now, i had the same experience in July and my father had a heart attack too, a week after my returning to sydney, and again yesterday during Hari Raya. I know it's hard, and unthinkable not to worry, but rest assured he's in good hands back home :)
Did you manage to go back and see hIm?