Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide

I just came to know that Shaiful Khas Shahrudin, one of the four victims of the destructive landslide in Bukit Antarabangsa is a younger brother of the girlfriend’s good friend. I may not know her directly, but I hope wherever she is she can remain strong and cope well with the terrible loss. Let us just spare a minute to recite Al-Fatihah for the victims, may they find peace in the afterlife.

Raf lives nearby the landslide site, he is safe and his house is unaffected except for the electricity cut-off. He even joked about needing a helicopter to get out of the area, and how restless he felt not being able to go to work. An auntie’s sister-in-law was also in the area, mom told me her family is fine. Didy’s house was even closer, in fact her family was trapped for a few hours but thank God they are safe. Another friend, Haziq, lives not far from Didy’s. I have not heard of his fate. I pray that his whole family is okay and he can come through this whole episode unscathed.

Let us hope that this is the last time we heard about a tragedy of this magnitude, and that the powers that be can find ways to help put a full stop to it. Let us also pray for the surviving victims to remain calm and patient in coming to terms with this unwanted catastrophe.


Anonymous said...

Hope Haziq is Fine...Huhu

haziq said...

i think didy and haziq, they are siblings.. kan? =) our house is fine.. thanx..

Sarah said...

yeah..I hope too..I missed my bed.

Amirul Hafidz said...


Oh no I meant Haziq Izzat, my batch mate from koleq. Glad to hear that your family & house are fine nevertheless.

haziq said...

aicece. perasan pulak

Mahirah M said...

for days i can see helicopters hovering above my house on the way to rescue the unfortunate. takziah to all the victims. the question is, when will we ever learn? enough development near the hillside already!

Izham Ismail said...

amin - prayers and condolences to the casualties and those involved.

ikmal afif said...

haha..haziq perasan lak die

Didy and Simone said...

kesian adik aku.terperasan plak.

eh,ape jadi to haziq your friend tu?
he's alright eh?

Amirul Hafidz said...


Yeah he's alright, alhamdulillah. Managed to contact him via Facebook not long after I posted this entry.